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Commander's Corner



Since my last article in February, the Eta Zeta chapter has been extremely busy! Starting things off in the spring, we hosted an alumni crawfish boil where alumni and actives gathered at the house to eat some crawfish boiled by two of our actives: Read Areingdale and Luke Hackney. We hope to continue this tradition in the coming years. Moving forward, to kick off Greek Week Louisiana Tech SGA hosted its annual ‘Big Event’ where campus organizations all come together for service projects. Our chapter was on trash duty for a few roads on the north side of Lincoln Parish. We enjoyed being able to keep our community clean! Speaking of on campus involvement, brothers Walker Forsyth and Jordan Orr were both elected to SGA cabinet positions. Jordan was elected to Public Relations and Walker was elected to Internal Affairs. Congrats guys! I can’t talk about spring quarter without mentioning formal! In April, we all loaded up on charter buses and took our annual trip down to Panama City for White Rose Formal. As always, it was great to have the chapter come together as a brotherhood and take our dates on a fun trip. As we ended Spring quarter with graduation, we were all very proud to see 13 members of Eta Zeta walk across the stage and receive their diploma. Congrats gentlemen!

This summer, we kept ourselves busy. Our rush chairs and their committee worked hard during summer orientations. The org browses they attended went great, and it sure did later pay off during rush! We also hosted two cleanups over the summer to get the house in shape for the upcoming school year and rush. Multiple alumni showed up and helped us out as well! We appreciate our alumni making efforts to stay involved and lead the chapter by example! We plan on continuing this in the upcoming years.

Back to school is always an exciting time! This year, we had an active chapter number of 102  returning to Louisiana Tech. Our first box on the checklist was our back to school party; Electric Avenue. It was a great way to kick off the year! Next on the schedule was rush. Our rush chairmen did a phenomenal job this summer meeting and rushing potential new members, and getting them interested in Sigma Nu and Greek life as a whole. As always, rush was a blast! My favorite part is the day we give house tours. The rushees loved the house and asked lots of questions! We are very proud of the establishment our alumni have provided for us. Hard work also pays off; at the end of the week, we had 54 gentlemen pick up their bids. Each of them is excited to join our brotherhood. 

This fall, we are planning on focusing hard on philanthropy. We believe we have the assets available to really make an impact. Just recently, the Eta Zeta Chapter won the contest at Louisiana Tech for Habitat for Humanity with $4,000 raised; the most on campus. We featured multiple events such as cooking burgers on campus and the pledge class of ‘24 continued the tradition of our car wash fundraiser. We also received a massive amount of support from our alumni with generous donations as the deadline for the contest approached. On October 22, we will be recognized at halftime during the football game for donating the most money out of all the organizations at Tech. As for the rest of fall quarter, we have a busy schedule! We have exchanges planned with the sororities, as well as our annual Halloween party and Homecoming! At the end of fall quarter, we will do nominations for our new top 4. I can confidently say that we will have some great candidates that will be in the running to lead our chapter! While this may be my last article, I still plan on staying heavily involved! If there is anything I can do, feel free to contact me by phone (318-278-9656) or email (jcoopw@icloud.com). I am honored to have served as Commander and to be able to write and inform about our great Eta Zeta chapter!

Cooper Walsworth HZ 1432




Alumni Crawfish boil 


Org browse during summer orientation


Rush 2024


Burgers for Habitat for Humanity
